To load via Syslinux you will first need to install Syslinux to a bootable device (version 3.70 tested). Copy C:\Grub4dos\GRUB.EXE to the syslinux folder on the drive containing your Syslinux files and add an entry to the Syslinux configuration file syslinux.cfg. e.g. –
Alternatively copy C:\Grub4dos\GRUB.EXE to the root of the drive containing your Syslinux files and add following entry to syslinux.cfg –
Note the use of kernel /grub.exe.
Linux users with (Legacy) GRUB already installed can use it to boot Grub4dos. Identify the partition containing the GRUB boot files/folder (e.g. (hd0,0)/boot/grub). Copy grub.exe to the GRUB boot folder. Now add the following entry to your /boot/grub/menu.lst file.
Change the root (hd0,0) command to reflect your own setup.
Following was tested using ubuntu Linux (version 8.04 (Hardy Heron)) - kexec package was installed using terminal command sudo apt-get install kexec-tools -
To install Grub4dos code to the MBR use Using Puppy Linux version 4.0, (hd0) was identified as /dev/sda - Grub4dos was installed using the command /mnt/sdb1/ /dev/sda. Output from running this command in a terminal -
The following instructions have been copied from README_GRUB4DOS.txt -
To install Grub4dos code to (hd0,1) which is an NTFS formatted partition and is device /dev/sda2 (in Puppy Linux version 4.0) -